Source code for eater.api.http

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Eater HTTP API classes.

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Union

import requests
from schematics import Model

from eater.api.base import BaseEater
from eater.errors import EaterTimeoutError, EaterConnectError, EaterUnexpectedError

[docs]class HTTPEater(BaseEater): """ Eat JSON HTTP APIs for breakfast. Instances of this class can't be created directly, you must subclass this class and set ``url`` and ``response_cls``. See :doc:`/usage` for more details. """ #: Default request_cls to None request_cls = None #: An instance of requests Session session = None #: The HTTP method to use to make the API call. method = 'get'
[docs] def __init__(self, request_model: Model=None, *, _requests: dict={}, **kwargs): """ Initialise instance of HTTPEater. :param request_model: An instance of a schematics model :type request_model: Model :param _requests: A dict of kwargs to be supplied when creating a requests session. :type _requests: dict :param kwargs: If request_model is not defined a dict of kwargs to be supplied as the first argument ``raw_data`` when creating an instance of ``request_cls``. :type kwargs: dict """ self.request_model = self.create_request_model(request_model=request_model, **kwargs) self.url = self.get_url() self.session = self.create_session(**_requests)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.request(*args, **kwargs) @property @abstractmethod def url(self) -> str: """ Returns the URL to the endpoint - property must be defined by a subclass. Note that this property is replaced with the value of :py:meth:`.HTTPEater.get_url` within :py:meth:`.HTTPEater.__init__`. """
[docs] def get_url(self) -> str: """ Retrieve the URL to be used for the request. Note that this method should always use ``type(self).url`` to access the ``url`` property defined on the class. This is necessary because the ``url`` property is replaced in :py:meth:`.HTTPEater.__init__`. :return: The URL to the API endpoint. :rtype: str """ return type(self).url.format(request_model=self.request_model)
[docs] def request(self, **kwargs) -> Model: """ Make a HTTP request of of type method. You should generally leave this method alone. If you need to customise the behaviour use the methods that this method uses. """ kwargs = self.get_request_kwargs(request_model=self.request_model, **kwargs) # get_request_kwargs can permanently alter the url, method and session self.url = kwargs.pop('url', self.url) self.method = kwargs.pop('method', self.method) self.session = kwargs.pop('session', self.session) try: response = getattr(self.session, self.method)(self.url, **kwargs) return self.create_response_model(response, self.request_model) except requests.Timeout: raise EaterTimeoutError("%s.%s for URL '%s' timed out." % ( type(self).__name__, self.method, self.url )) except requests.RequestException as exc_info: raise EaterConnectError("Exception raised for URL '%s'." % self.url) from exc_info
[docs] def create_response_model(self, response: requests.Response, request_model: Model) -> Model: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Given a requests Response object, return the response model. :param response: A requests.Response object representing the response from the API. :type response: requests.Response :param request_model: The model used to generate the request - an instance of ``request_cls``. :type request_model: schematics.Model """ if response.status_code >= 400: raise EaterUnexpectedError("Received unexpected HTTP response '%s %s' for URL '%s'." % ( response.status_code, response.reason, response.url, )) if response.headers['content-type'] == 'application/json': raw_data = response.json() return self.response_cls(raw_data=raw_data, validate=True, partial=False) raise NotImplementedError( "Content type '%s' is not implemented. Class %s should implement a handle_response method." % ( response.headers['content-type'], type(self), ) )
[docs] def create_request_model(self, request_model: Model=None, **kwargs) -> Model: """ Create the request model either from kwargs or request_model. :param request_model: An instance of ``request_cls`` or None. :type request_model: Model|None :param kwargs: kwargs to be supplied as the ``raw_data`` parameter when instantiating ``request_cls``. :type kwargs: dict :return: An instance of ``request_cls``. :rtype: schematics.Model """ if request_model is None and self.request_cls is not None: request_model = self.request_cls(raw_data=kwargs) # pylint: disable=not-callable return request_model
[docs] def get_request_kwargs(self, request_model: Union[Model, None], **kwargs) -> dict: # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Retrieve a dict of kwargs to supply to requests. :param request_model: An instance of ``request_cls`` or None. :type request_model: Model|None :param kwargs: kwargs to be supplied as the ``raw_data`` parameter when instantiating ``request_cls``. :type kwargs: dict :return: A dict of kwargs to be supplied to requests when making a HTTP call. :rtype: dict """ if request_model is not None: kwargs['json'] = request_model.to_primitive() return kwargs
[docs] def create_session( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, session: requests.Session=None, auth: tuple=None, headers: requests.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict=None ) -> requests.Session: """ Create and return an instance of a requests Session. :param auth: The ``auth`` kwarg when to supply when instantiating ``requests.Session``. :type auth: tupel|None :param headers: A dict of headers to be supplied as the ``headers`` kwarg when instantiating ``requests.Session``. :type headers: requests.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict :return: An instance of ``requests.Session`` :rtype: requests.Session """ if session is None: session = requests.Session() if auth: session.auth = auth if headers: session.headers.update(headers) return session